Postage costs are most likely the #1 expense of a direct marketing mailer. We want to make sure you are aware of the opportunity to hear and interact with the Postmaster General in May 2023.
You can personally make YOUR voice heard. USPS Postmaster General Louis DeJoy will be at the upcoming ACMA Conference in May. He will address your concerns, answer your questions, and update everyone on the progress of the Postal Service’s network transformation and Delivering For America plans.
Here is the agenda details for Tuesday, May 2nd
The Postmaster General Meets the Mailers: How We Can Work Together
USPS Postmaster General Louis DeJoy
Mr. Dejoy has taken many initiatives in his three-year-old tenure. Some moves have been well received; others not so well. Many have been met with close scrutiny and controversy by businesses, individuals, Congress, and others. Mr. DeJoy will give an update on his and the USPS’s recent actions and the current outlook for the Delivering For American plan. The PMG may entertain questions or discuss how we can work together for the greater good.
VIP Reception for All Attendees & Key Policy Officials at Historic City Tavern Club